Mon 27 Jan
In North Little Rock !!!!! Ready to **** !!!!!! Put My Talents To The Test - 22
(Little Rock, (nlr) McCain)
Hott Brunette Bombshell All-American Call now 1-501-296-0396 - 25
(Little Rock, Little Rock,Bryant,Benton,HotSprings)
HI GUY'S I NO YU LIKE this sweet azz see me who? won't like this? - 24
(Little Rock, incalls-out-upscale)
Exotic Petite Experienced Beauty -- Waiting for your CALL ........ - 32
(Little Rock, NLR, LR & Surr areas)
Hey Boys Im Feelin Kinky And i WANNA gET loose...So Give Me A cALL, bOOty Shakin Specials - 23
(benton,bryant,lr all over in /out)
Double your pleasure with 2 Super Busty Babes Last night in town CC accepted - 28
(Little Rock, West lr & surrounding 24/7)
dIME pIECE**tOP kNOtch** Classy And A whole LoT Of ** 4 U this Cloudy MondaY - 23
(in/out u tell me1)
CuVy Open MiNded ReDHeAd= 100 % ErOtIc FuN with a SmIle New Pics 100/hr - 34
(Little Rock, lr,nlr jax cabot, conway ,,maumelle)
H O T -:¦:- S e X y B a b e! -:¦:- H O T XxX - 20
(All Over Arkansas : ))
** ClASSy NOT Trashy ** The Best You've Ever Had ** U Like It ** Available NOW!!! - 20
(Little Rock)
BUSTY BODY RUBS 36 DDD all naturals ,,ASS ASS ASS,,RIVERmarket,In an OUT call - 29
(Little Rock, rivermarket)
☆ ☆ Double The Trouble ☆ ☆... M$.Pinky & China Doll .. Xclusive Big Booty ▷▷▷ ACTION ☜ ☜ ☜ - 24
(Little Rock, west little rock)
Busty Beauty Love to Spoil a Married Man... - 19
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, In town, Jonesboro, Little Rock)
DA 1 & ONLY → → * * { ♡ M$.P!NKY ♡ } * * ... • Freakii , • Certified , • & Ready 4 u. - 23
(Little Rock, Conway, Maumelle, Little Rock)
Come on lat's have some fun promise you wont be disappointed call now.. 501-349-0269 - 26
(Little Rock)
Come play with me!!! Eden wants some company! 100% Real Pix! % Call 501-529-5216 - 29
(Little Rock, Little Rock, NLR, Maumelle)
Black 😎 BeauTy💄💎 【HoT & REAdY💐 💲peciaL💲💐 Super ★ Fr3aK】 👅【BaD★ GirL - 22
(Little Rock, Outcall Only)
C&M; Indulge and I real GoDDESS that no what to do so sexy I got what u need one of kind. Booty .. - 25
(Little Rock, Incalls)
Brains + Flawess Beauty + Juicy Booty = Upscale Eboni Cutie ! Upscale White Guys Please! - 23
(lr and surrounding)
___❤___ BRAZiLiAN & PuERTORiCAN LiFE-SiZED DOLL ___❤ ___ I'LL BE YOUR ToY! ___ - 20
(~ little rock incall ~)
💜💜💜 BETTER than the Rest!! 💜💜💜 NEW NUMBER! - 22
(Little Rock, Little Rock, Conway, North Little Rock)
baby jasmine in NLR, contact me & let's not waist any time.! - 23
(Little Rock, NLR, incall, don't worry I'm worth it :))
^^^&&&***the Horny baby need some rough fantasy***.. - 24
(Fayetteville, fayetteville fayetteville,)
bACkPAGE welcomes the NEW sexy PEtitE tEmptiNg JeWel** - 19
(Little Rock, nlr lr conway hs searcy russellville etc)
Abracadabra Magical Moments (Upscale Companionship To Vip Gentlemen) - 28
(Fayetteville, northwest arkansas)
501*529*8485 👄💋👄 P R E T T Y. &. H O R N Y👄💋👄 Waiting on you baby, Call me!! 💕 - 29
(Little Rock, West Little Rock, Downtown, & ⬆scale o.c)
A King's True Beauty APPRECIATION Gorgeous Ladie 100% Real SUPER FREAKY - 20
(Little Rock, West Little Rock)
50special - 50 leaving soon special - 50 special - 50 leaving soon special - 50 special CLICK HERE - 23
(Little Rock, SOUTHWEST)
BEAUTY with a _BOOTY _CATCH me while I'm _STILL _AROUND!! 60 Specials! - 30
(Little Rock, Southwest Lil Rock)