Mon 27 Jan
New# 616*228*7047 💞AsK FoR 2 GiRL💕 $PeCiAl$💓💗 (InCall Only) ⭐ AvAiLAbLe ALL NiGhTT!!New - 26
(All Over, Grand Rapids)
LOOK NOW► *OPN-MíNDD* FUN-Size B@bi *❤* %100 R@L $95 DAL!! - 21
(Plainfield/Leonard-in/out 24hrs)
This is the place where you always get what you REALLY WANT... - 48
(Escondido, North SD County, San Diego)
- THICK__Forget All The ResT___ -(¯`v´¯) Y O U __ D E S E R V E __ T H E __ B E S T (¯`v´¯) - 28
(City of San Diego, countywide ins/outs)
*°. TH!CK TENDER & ADD!CTiVE .°* SUPER-BOOTy *°. do WHAT you LIKE im YOURS.° - 26
(san diego--70 InCall Special--)
The Best In Town ♡ Mixed Hottie ♡ Perfect Curves ♡ Unforgetable Experience Guaranteed♡ Exotic ♡ - 20
(South SD County, San Diego / Outcall all over!)
The BEST HANdS DOwN!!!! -----> PReTTy Face; COkE bOTTLE ShaPe!! MUST SEE!! Neww PICS - 20
(North SD County, incall : oceanside)
Texas Finest *Small & Tall* Blonde CO-ed. Country Doll. Pm Specials Hurry Boys - 19
»»»» HoT SpRiNg BlONdE ««« pic is me or it's free - 32
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids & Surrounding Areas)
Tantalizing Redhead Stripper with a BuBBLe BuTT & Delicious DDs >> Leaving Late Tonight - 23
(North SD County, Mira Mesa Blvd / Sorrento Mesa)
I'm young, vibrant and down to earth I could be the girl of your dreams give me a call and find out. - 21
(Grand Rapids)
TGIF! Rise and Shine! InSaTiAbLe ! Mature Fun Blond in N County vista age47 - 47
(North SD County, north county vista)
Guess whos available tonight?_ _ _ _ _ A_ s_ I_ a_ N_ _ _ k_ r_ Y_ s_ T_ a_ L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 21
(Phx North, 1-17 incalls and outcalls)
________* TaKe A PeEk* @ ThE ★___MAiN ATTRACTiON___ ★ AmAZiNg __*SPECIALS* _____ - 25
(Oside-Carlsbad-Encinitas - In / Out)
SW££T ღ £XOTiC ღ TR£ASUR£ ღSmoking Hot Mom / Naughttie Daughter ღ - 40
(City of San Diego, Private Retreat In Downtown or Out To U)
S/W/E/E/T N/A/U/G/H/T/Y W/I/L/D/ *** *** H/O/T *** B/O/D/Y ** YuMmY* B/E/A/U/T/Y - 19
(mission valley in/out available)
(( 🌷)) Elegant & Beautiful ((🌷)) Beautiful Brunette ((🌷)) - 30
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids/Surrounding, Muskegon)
SWEET tasting~~ Beautiful Blonde Playmate !!!! xoxo * I LOVE WHAT I DO ! * 70 SpEciAls !! - 23
(North SD County, incalls el cajon city, outcalls all over)
~~ Sweet Sexy & Sensual ~~ BUSTY BLONDE playmate!! (( Absolute REAL DEAL!! )) *** - 21
(City of San Diego, OUTCALL)
SUP€R FR€AK¥_ *!*BiG BOOTY*!*__ *!* SPANiSH&iTALiAN; !*__ *!* GREAT RATES *!*__*!* ( AMAZiNG - 22
(City of San Diego, Chula Vista incall)
Sweet Caramel Fantasy Model / MIXED CUTIE WITH A ROCKIN BOOTY ((NEW PICS) 80$ 80$ 80$ - 23
(City of San Diego, Out Avalible/Puerto Rican Mix/ Specials)
Come have some fun with a hotty with a great body - 19
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Downtown, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, In town, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Mi)
Chocolate Kitten 🍫🍒 New Too The Area⚠ 100% High Class Companionship!👌 🌹Out Calls/ In Calls 👌 - 30
(Detroit, Downtown, Southfield / West, Southfield,West. Taylor, Near Eureka, Warren / Sterling Heights)
██ ★ ██ SUNDAY MORN LOVE ██ ★ ██ - 21
(City of San Diego, My HOUSE;) Mission Valley, north park)
:*: *S+UnN!Ng :*: *B3AuT!FuL :*: *L@+!N@ :*: Ch3cK mE Ou+ :*: *No Di$@PP0!nTmEN+$ :*: - 25
(Carlsbad-Oside-Vista-Encinitas- IN/OUT)
BLOND model status...NEW IN TOWN :):):) COURTNEY 5'4 125lbs 36DD real pics GUARANTEED - 23
(Grand Rapids, grand rapids IN AND OUT CALL)
💣💣💣💥💣 SUPER NEW. SEXY OCT.15 💥 ASiAN KOREAN HOTTiE💣💥💣💣💣 - 22
(City of San Diego, Coronado, Carlsbad,SD, la jolla, del mar)
★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★STUNNING★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★HOTT★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★BLONDE★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★BARBIE★ █▓█▓█▓█ ★ - 21
(City of San Diego, mission valley (incall))
*¨¨*-:¦:-* SDUCT!VE *¨¨*-:¦:-* PERFECT__ BoDY *¨¨*-:¦:-* ASiAN _M!XED_HOTTIE *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 20
(Mission Valley / Hotel Circle)
Scam ===== Alert ===== Jessica is a ++ ++ FaKE Fake FaKE === SCAM ALERT FAKE PICS - 23
((== F-A-K-E = P-I-C-S ==))
Sara - LAINE is Back!! 100% Real!! - 28
(City of San Diego, La Jolla - UTC, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
(`•. ____ ★.•o°•* STUNNING * Asian * with * Bedroom * EYES * • - 23
(Aberdeen, Pierre, Rapid City, Sioux Falls)
$&$ your creamy caramel delight in town for one night $&$ - 22
(Rapid City, rapid city and surrounding areas)
I am a Married Mans Best Kept Secret!! - 19
(Aberdeen, Pierre, Rapid City, Sioux Falls, 10 minutes away)