Thu 02 Jan
Are ready for something different and memorable?
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, anywhere you want me!)
👑Phoenix👑💟The ONE&ONLY;💟💋New Number!💋 - 20
(Memphis, Memphis and all surrounding areas)
- : ¦ : - • * ° - : ¦ : - * I bRiNg fAnTaSiEs To LiFe * - : ¦ : - ° * • - : ¦ : - - 22
(Available Now In call/Out calls)
*__ TaCoMa iNcaLL ________ *_ _* ___ CuRvy ___*___ *___ LATiNA _____ *____ * __ Specials! ___ * - 27
(Olympia, 100th South TAc Way)